Louisville Medical Students

Students and graduates of the medical schools located in Louisville, Kentucky beginning in 1837. About the schools.

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Total: 25295
Name Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Graduated
Deeds Leonard Weaver 1906KYU 1907UL 1908UL 1909 UL
Defoe A G 1905KYU 1906KYU 1907LMC 1908 UL
Dempster P E 1899KYU
Denham T W 1902KYU 1903KYU 1904KYU 1905 KYU
Deputy Ernest M 1900KYU 1901KYU 1902KYU 1903 KYU
Deputy Joseph F 1900KYU
Deskins J Tilden 1902KYU 1903KYU 1904KYU 1905 KYU
Dill J R 1904KYU
Dimmette A J 1904KYU 1905KYU 1905 KYU
Dinsmore Silas 1904KYU 1905KYU 1906 KYU
Dobbs J T 1904KYU
Dollerhide William Mcgaughey 1902KYU 1903KYU 1904 KYU
Donan David Cummins 1904KYU 1906KYU 1907UL
Donavon Harry Arthur 1904KYU 1905KYU 1907 UL
Dorsey E J 1902KYU
Dorsey J T 1904KYU 1905KYU 1905 KYU
Dorsey T J 1903KYU
Dotson W K 1903KYU
Dotson Wiilliam Anthony 1904KYU 1905KYU 1906 KYU
Douglas John 1900KYU 1901KYU 1903KYU 1903 KYU
Downey Daniel Sebastian 1905KYU 1906KYU 1907UL 1908 UL
Draesel Charles 1904KYU 1905KYU
Drake W P 1902KYU 1903KYU 1905KYU 1905 KYU
Drasel Charles 1906KYU 1906 KYU
Dudley William Kenny 1901KYU 1902KYU 1904 KYU